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Referring a Client

Thank you so much for your referral consideration! The trust you and your patients’ guardians put in us is appreciated.

Note: We’re currently at capacity and unable to take on new clients for training. Please email us at for a list of recommendations, or let us know if you’d like to be notified when we can take on new referrals. 

When you decide that behaviour intervention is necessary for your patient, you have three options.

  1. Work collaboratively with us! We are a team of RVTs who specialize in behaviour, and we work together with a patient’s veterinary team for future medication or examination needs. We can’t do our job effectively without your support and collaboration!
  2. If you are uncomfortable providing a behavioural diagnosis, treatment plan (found on this form) and prescribing medications but don’t wish to refer your patient to our veterinary team, we can provide a list of resident veterinary behaviourists in western Canada who are available for in-person consults with your client or a vet-to-vet consult with you. If you would like this list, please email For this option, there is no need to complete this form.

  3. If you’re uncomfortable with providing a behavioural diagnosis, treatment plan or prescribing medications for behavioural concerns, the veterinarians at Companion Veterinary Clinic have a special interest in behaviour and can help! Please refer your client to our client services team to book a Behaviour Consultation with Dr. Kachurowski. She will conduct an exam, develop a treatment plan and prescribe medication(s) if needed. At the same time, our training team will also work with your client on training and behaviour modification. For this option, there is no need to complete this form.

Services by:

Jessica Benoit, Registered Veterinary Technologist, Veterinary Technician Specialist in Behaviour, CPDT-KA, KPA CTP, Fear Free Certified Trainer

Please complete and submit the form(s) below to All referrals will be contacted via email within 2-3 business days.

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